No. KEP-205/BC/2003





In View of:


To Stipulate:



Article 1

In this Decision of Director General, meant by:

Article 2

(1) Exemption of Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods may be given for imported goods and/or material to be processed, assembled, or installed on other goods at Company for export.

(2) Repayment may be awarded for imported goods and/or material and/or products from Bonded Zone to be processed, assembled, or installed on other goods whose BM and/or Excise have been paid and exported.

(3) Exemption and/or Repayment Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods may be given for products with imported Raw Material supplied to Bonded Zone for further process.

(4) Exemption and/or repayment Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods as intended in paragraph (1), (2) and (3) not including fuel material, lubricant oil, and capital goods.

(5) For products of Company with imported Raw Material, they may be sold to Other Indonesian Customs Area (DPIL):

(6) By-Products, Production Leftover, Fault Products and Fault Raw Material with imported Raw Material may be:

Article 3

Awarding of Exemption and/or Repayment Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1), (2), and (3) shall be conducted on behalf of the Finance Minister, by Head of Regional Office.


Article 4

(1) Every company wishing to submit application for securing Exemption and/or Repayment Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods should have Company Registration Number (NIPER) issued by Regional Office.

(2) In order to obtain NIPER, company should submit complete and true Company Main Data (DIPER) to Head of Regional Office electronically.

(3) Based on submission of DIPER, Regional Office shall carry out administrative and field investigation in order to verify the data as intended in paragraph (2) by examining DIPER documents, interviewing and visiting the plant.

(4) The result of administrative and field investigation as intended in paragraph (3) shall be carried out at the latest 14 (fourteen) business days commencing receiving DIPER data.

(5) In case the location of inspected object is outside the relevant Regional Office area of supervision, the visit to the plant may be delegated to the Customs Office supervising the inspected object.

(6) The result of administrative investigation and plant visit shall be made in Minutes of Survey Result Conclusion.

(7) Head of Regional Office or Official appointed to carry out verification of DIPER data and within at the latest 3 (three) business days commencing receipt of Minutes of Survey Result Conclusion, the survey result shall be supplied electronically to the company in form of:

(8) Application as intended in paragraph (1) shall be in accordance with the model in Attachment XII hereto.

(9) Minutes as intended in paragraph (6) shall be in accordance with Attachment XII hereto.

(10) Procedures of issuance of NIPER shall be as provided for in Attachment I hereto.

Article 5

(1) NIPER shall be issued by Head of Regional Office.

(2) Company whose application for NIPER has been approved should:

(3) The NIPER owned by a company may be revoked by the Head of Regional Office in case:

(4) In case the NIPER of company receiving Exemption and/or Repayment Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods is revoked, the indebted BM and/or Excise and VAT as well as PPnBM and any fine existing should be paid off at the latest 30 (thirty) days commencing such revocation.

Exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods

Part One
Requirements to Obtain Exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods.

Article 6

(1) In order to obtain Exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods, Company shall submit an application to the Head of Regional Office.

(2) Application as intended in paragraph (1) shall attach Form BCF.KT01 containing import and export plan and details of needs of imported goods and/or Raw Material and output products for 12 (twelve) months and Customs Office clearing the imported goods and/or Raw Material.

(3) Company applying for the first time for exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods, should attach:

(4) Application as intended in paragraph (1) shall be in accordance with model in Attachment XII hereto.

(5) Form BCF.KT01 as intended in paragraph (2) shall be in accordance with model in Attachment XII hereto.

(6) Procedures of application for exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods shall be as provided for in Attachment II hereto.

Article 7

(1) Approval or rejection as intended in Article 6 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) shall be awarded at the latest 14 (fourteen) business days commencing receipt of complete and true application.

(2) In case application to obtain exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods:

(3) Decree of Exemption of Import Duty and/or Excise Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods as intended in paragraph (2) shall be sent electronically to Customs Office clearing imported goods/Raw Material.

Part Two
Warranty for Indebted Import Duty and/or Excise and VAT as well as PPnBM

Article 8

(1) Company securing Exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods, shall be obliged to furnish PIB and warranty amounting to the value of BM and/or Excise and VAT as well as PPnBM in PIB, prior to clearance of imported goods and/or material to be processed, assembled, or installed on other goods for export from Customs Area.

(2) Warranty as intended in paragraph (1) shall be furnished to the Regional Office along with PIB to use for clearing goods from Customs Area or Bonded Zone.

(3) Head of Regional Office or appointed official shall issue Warranty Receipt (STTJ) as attachment to PIB.

(4) STTJ as intended in paragraph (3) shall be supplied electronically to Customs Office clearing imported goods/Raw Material.

Article 9

(1) Warranty as intended in Article 8 may be in form of:

(2) The warranty shall be amounting to the value of BM and/or Excise and VAT as well as PPnBM in PIB.

(3) In case the Customs Office finds that the amount payable is greater than the amount set forth in PIB, the Entrepreneur shall be obliged to furnish additional warranty amounting to the required BM, Excise, VAT and PPnBM or substitute warranty amounting to BM, Excise, VAT and PPnBM.

Article 10

(1) Warranty in term of SSB shall be issued by the company itself and only applicable for company securing approval from the Head of Regional Office.

(2) In order to be eligible to present SSB as warranty, a company should submit an application to the Head of Regional Office and fulfill requirements as follows:

(3) Assessment of companys application to use SSB may be carried out periodically 2 (twice) a year and during the second week of the month:

(4) Evaluation for company using SSB shall be carried out periodically 2 (twice) a year respectively in January and July.

(5) SSB may be revoked in case a company:

(6) Revocation of rights to use SSB shall be made in a Decision of Head of Regional Office.

Article 11

(1) The term of the warranty shall be at least 6 (six) months and should be re-extended by the in case the term of the warranty expires while the imported goods have not been fully accounted for the Export Realization and/or supply to the Bonded Zone by the company.

(2) The warranty should be extended at the latest 14 (fourteen) business days prior to its expiration.

(3) The extended warranty should be furnished to the Head of Regional Office at the latest 3 (three) business days prior to the expiration.

(4) The procedures of warranty receipt, warranty monitoring, and monitoring of PIB shall be as provided for in Attachment III hereto.

Part Three
Clearance of Imported Goods and/or Raw Material from Customs Area

Article 12

(1) Clearance of imported goods and/or Raw Material securing Exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods out of Customs Area shall be carried out using Goods Importation Notification (PIB).

(2) PIB as intended paragraph (1) shall be proposed by the Company holder of NIPER processing by itself manufactured goods made of imported goods or Raw Material.

(3) PIB application should enclose STTJ and SSPCP for PPH payment.

(4) Procedures of clearance of imported goods shall be pursuant to the Decision of Director General on Directives for Management of Customs in Import Field.

Part Four
Export Realization, Supply to Bonded Zone And Sales to
DPIL of Products

Article 13

(1) Export of products made of imported goods and/or material and/or products from Bonded Zone securing Exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods shall be carried out under Goods Export Notification (PEB).

(2) PEB as intended paragraph (1) shall be proposed by:

(3) Export of products should have been carried out within 12 months commencing registration of PIB, unless for company with production term more than 12 months that may be given exception by the Head of Regional Office on behalf of the Finance Minister.

(4) Customs Office shall issue LPBC/LHP for PEB securing KITE facilities that have exported the products.

(5) The procedures of application for PEB securing KITE facilities shall be carried out pursuant to the Decision of Director General on Directives for Implementation of Management of Customs in Export Field for Exported Goods Securing Import Facilities for Export Destination.

Article 14

(1) Products made of imported Raw Material may be supplied by the company holder of NIPER to Bonded Zone for further process, provided that:

(2) Supply of products to Bonded Zone should have been done within 12 months commencing registration of PIB.

(3) The procedures of supply of products to Bonded Zone shall be as provided for in Attachment IV hereto.

Article 15

(1) In case the provision as intended in Article 13 paragraph (3) and Article 14 paragraph (2) are not fulfilled, the entrepreneur shall be obliged to pay indebted BM, Excise, VAT, and PPnBM.

(2) Obligation as intended in paragraph shall (1) include 2 % (two percent) interest of the levies that is payable every month at the latest 24 (twenty four) months commencing registration of PIB, provided that the goods and/or material are still in companys stock.

(3) Obligation as intended in paragraph (1) and (2) shall also be applicable for the company of which NIPER has been revoked, that has imported goods and/or material securing exemption Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods but the export has not been realized.

Article 16

(1) The products made of imported Raw Material and/or products from Bonded Zone may be sold to DPIL after Export Realization and/or supply to Bonded Zone by company holder of NIPER, provided that:

(2) Sales to DPIL should have been done within 12 (twelve) months commencing import until the sales of the goods to DPIL.

(3) Export Realization and/or supply to Bonded Zone as intended in paragraph (1) point b, commencing 1 August 2003.

(4) The procedures of sale of products to DPIL shall be as provided for in Attachment V hereto.

Article 17

(1) In case the sale of products to DPIL exceeds the provision as intended in Article 16 paragraph (1) point b, then the excess:

(2) In case the sale to DPIL does not fulfill the provision as intended in Article 16 paragraph (2), as long as the products are in stock, the company shall be obliged:

Part Five
Sale to DPIL and Annihilation of By-Products, Production Leftover, Fault Products and Fault Raw Material and Completion of Imported Raw Material of which the export has not been completed

Article 18

The sale to DPIL of By-Products, Production Leftover, Fault Products and Fault Raw Material made of imported Raw Material and/or products from Bonded Zone may be carried out by the company provided that:

Article 19

(1) Annihilation of By-Products, Production Leftover, Fault Products and Fault Raw Material, from imported Raw Material and/or products from Bonded Zone may be carried out by company provided that:

(2) Procedures of Sale to DPIL and annihilation of By-Products, Production Leftover, Fault Products and Fault Raw Material of imported Raw Material shall be provided for in Attachment VI hereto.

Article 20

(1) Imported Raw Material of which the export has not been done within period as intended in article 13 paragraph (3) may be completed provided that:

(2) The procedures of completion of imported Raw Material of which the export has not been done shall be provided for in Attachment VII hereto.

Part Six
Imported Goods and/or Material Completion Report and Warranty Adjustment

Article 21

(1) The Company shall be obliged to deliver export report (LE) to the Regional Office at least once in every 6 (six) months using Imported Goods and/or Material Use Report form securing Exemption of BM and/or Excise Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods (BCL.KT01).

(2) For company directly exporting its products, the BCL.KT01 shall be accompanied with:

(3) For company not directly exporting its products (mixed goods), the LE is submitted using BCL.KT01 form accompanied with:

(4) BCL.KT01 form as intended in paragraph (1), (2) and (3) shall be pursuant to the model in Attachment XII hereto.

Article 22

Company submitting its products to Bonded Zone for further process shall submit the report to the Regional Office at least every 6 (six) months using BCL.KT01 form accompanied with:

Article 23

(1) Report as intended in Article 21 and 22 submitted by the company shall be approved if it satisfies the following requirements:

(2) Report as intended in Article 21 and 22 shall be declined in case it fails to satisfy requirements as intended in paragraph (1) and/or:

Article 24

(1) Product sales report to DPIL using BCL.KT01 form, accompanied with:

(2) Report of Annihilation/Sales to DPIL of By-Products, Production Leftover, Fault Products, and Fault Raw Material shall use BCL.KT01 form accompanied with:

(3) Report of completion of imported Raw Material of which the export has not been done shall use BCL.KT01 form accompanied with:

Article 25

(1) Report as intended in Article 24 paragraph (1) submitted by the company shall be approved if it satisfies requirements as follows:

(2) Report as intended in Article 24 paragraph (1) shall be declined in case it fails to satisfy requirements as intended in paragraph (1) and/or:

Article 26

(1) Report as intended in Article 24 paragraph (2) submitted by the company shall be approved if it satisfies requirements as follows:

(2) Report as intended in Article 24 paragraph (2) shall be decline in case it fails to satisfy requirements as intended in paragraph (1) and/or:

Article 27

(1) Report as intended in Article 24 paragraph (3) submitted by the company shall be approved if it satisfies requirements as follows:

(2) Report as intended in Article 24 paragraph (3) shall be declined in case it fails to satisfy requirements as intended in paragraph (1) and/or:

(3) The procedures of report inspection as intended in Article 21, 22, and 24 shall be provided for in Attachment VIII hereto.

Article 28

(1) In case the report as intended in Article 21, 22 and 24 is approved, the Head of Regional Office shall issue Warranty Adjustment Notice (SPPJ) indicating the amount of BM and/or Excise and VAT and PPnBM that has been accounted and/or remains to secure by the company.

(2) In case the amount of BM, Excise, VAT and PPnBM remains to secure, the company may replace the warranty it has deposited at least amounting to the warranty set forth in the SPPJ.

(3) Bank Guarantee or Customs Bond issued to replace the deposited warranty may be in form of Bank Guarantee or Customs Bond from the same or different guarantor.

(4) For BM, Excise, VAT and PPnBM that have been accounted, the warranty shall be returned at the latest 14 (fourteen) business days after the issuance of the latest SPPJ.


Part One
Requirements for Securing Repayment

Article 29

Repayment may be granted to:

Article 30

In order to secure repayment as intended in Article 28 the producers shall be obliged to satisfy the following requirements:

Part Two
Clearance of Imported Goods and/or Raw Material from Customs Area and Supply from Bonded Zone

Article 31

(1) Clearance of imported goods and/or Raw Material from Customs Area, to request repayment shall be carried out using Goods Importation Notification (PIB).

(2) PIB as intended in paragraph (1) shall be proposed by the Company holder of NIPER processing goods from imported Raw Material on its own.

(3) Application for PIB shall be accompanied with SSPCP for payment of Import Duty and/or Excise and VAT, PPnBM and PPH.

(4) Procedures of clearance of imported import shall be carried out pursuant to Decision of Director General on Directives for Implementation of Customs Management in Import Field.

Article 32

(1) Supply of products from Bonded Zone to be processed, assembled, or installed on other goods paying BM and/or Excise and VAT and PPnBM, to request for repayment shall be carried out under provisions:

(2) BC 2.5 as intended in paragraph (1) point a is made by the Bonded Zone entrepreneur.

(3) Procedures of supply from Bonded Zone shall be provided for in Attachment IX hereto.

Part Three
Export Realization and Supply to Bonded Zone

Article 33

(1) Export of products made of imported goods and/or material and/or products from Bonded Zone to request Repayment shall be carried out using Goods Export Notification (PEB) securing KITE.

(2) PEB as intended paragraph (1) shall be proposed by:

(3) Export of products should have been done within 24 months commencing date of PIB registration or date of BC 2.5 registration.

(4) For PEB of goods on which physical inspection has been carried out and the goods have been exported, Customs Office shall issue LPBC/ LHP.

(5) Procedures of application for PEB securing KITE shall be carried out pursuant to the Decision of Director General on Directives for Implementation of Customs Management in Export Field for Exported Goods Securing Import Facilities for Export Destination.

Article 34

(1) Products made of imported Raw Material may be supplied by company holder of NIPER to Bonded Zone to be processed further, provided that:

(2) Supply of products to Bonded Zone should have been done within 24 months commencing date of PIB registration or date of BC 2.5 registration.

(3) Procedures of supply of products to Bonded Zone shall be provided for in Attachment IV hereto.

Part Four
Repayment Application

Article 35

(1) Repayment application may be proposed to the Head of Regional Office by enclosing:

(2) In addition to attachments as intended in paragraph (1):

Article 36

(1) Application for repayment of BM and/or Excise shall be processed to be approved or declined within 14 (fourteen) business days commencing receipt of complete and true application.

(2) Procedures of awarding repayment of BM and/or Excise shall be provided for in attachment X hereof.


Article 37

Company securing Exemption and/or Repayment and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods shall be obliged to keep and maintain documents, books, records and letters in relation with awarding of Exemption and/or Repayment for it during 10 (ten) years in its premise in Indonesia.

Article 38

(1) Supervision of Regional Office of awarding of Exemption and/or Repayment and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods shall be carried out through:

(2) Supervision through electronic data process shall use data of Decision of Exemption and/or repayment and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods and STTJ as well as data of PIB, BC 2.5, PEB and BC 2.4 issued by relevant Customs Office.

(3) Inspection of company data shall be carried out periodically and in case the result of the inspection does not fit the DIPER, the Head of Regional Office may decide customs audit.

(4) Supervision of goods physical and/or audit in the area of customs and excise may be carried out at any time pursuant to the prevailing provisions.


Article 39

(1) Companies affiliated to a group of companies may secure Exemption and/or Repayment provided that:

(2) In order to implement the provision as intended in paragraph (1) point a, when applying for DIPER, it shall:

Article 40

Company that does not perform the overall production process by itself and gives subcontract to other company may secure Exemption and/or Repayment provided that:

Article 41

(1) For material and/or goods of which the Raw Material securing Exemption and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxury Goods that should be exported or that should be available with the company if not accountable, receiver of Exemption and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxurious Goods shall be obliged:

(2) Procedures of payment of BM and/or Excise, fine, and interests as well as payment of VAT and PPnBM and interests, as intended in paragraph (1) shall be made pursuant to the prevailing provisions.

Article 42

(1) For exported goods once secured Exemption and/or Repayment and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxury Goods re-imported, during the import, the company shall:

(3) Exported goods as intended in paragraph (1) shall undergo customs inspection.

(4) For reimported exported goods as intended in paragraph (1) not reexported within 6 (six) months, the warranty amounting to BM and/or Excise as intended in paragraph (1) point b shall be cleared.

Article 43

(1) For products supplied to Bonded Zone once secured Exemption and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxury Goods repaid, during the import:

(2) Products as intended in paragraph (1) shall undergo customs inspection.

(3) Products resupplied from Bonded Zone as intended in paragraph (1) that cannot be resupplied to Bonded Zone within 6 (six) months, the warranty amounting to BM and/or Excise as intended in paragraph (1) shall be cleared.

(4) The procedures of resupplying products supplied to Bonded Zone once secured Exemption and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxury Goods shall be provided for in Attachment XI hereto.

Article 44

(1) If the result of audit indicates over Exemption, then for such excess receiver of Exemption and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxury Goods shall be obliged:

(2) If the result of audit indicates over Repayment, then for such excess shall be returned and exposed to fine amounting to 100% (one hundred percent) plus interest for over Repayment amounting to 2 % (two percent) every month maximum 24 (twenty four) months commencing the date of SPMK.

(3) For over exemption as intended in paragraph (1), if it can prove export within 12 months commencing import date, shall be released from BM and/or Excise, fine and interest.

Article 45

(1) The amount of fine in term of interest payable as intended in:

shall be stipulated by the Director General of Tax.

(2) For the purpose of establishing sanction in term of interest as intended in paragraph (1) point a, b, c and point d the Head of Customs Office shall send BC 2.4 approved by the Official for settlement of sanction in term of VAT and PPnBM interest to the Director General of Tax, in this case, Head of Tax Service Office where company is registered as Tax Payer Entrepreneur.

(3) For the purpose of establishing sanction in term of interest as intended in paragraph (1) point e, the Head of Customs Office shall send SPKPBM document to the Director General of Tax, in this case, the Head of Tax Service Office where company is registered as Tax Payer Entrepreneur.


Article 46

(1) All prevailing decisions of Exemption and/or Repayment and Uncollected VAT and Sales Tax for Luxury Goods issued by the Head of Bapeksta Keuangan/Head BINTEK Keuangan or appointed Official shall remains in full effects and power until the expiration of the decisions concerned.

(2) For application for DIPER after 1 January 2004, the Company shall propose to the Regional Office


Article 47

This Decision of Director General shall be in effect as of 1 January 2004.

For public cognizance, This Decision of Director General should be announced by entering it in the Statute Book of Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
Dated 31 December 2003
NIP 060044459
Secretary to the Directorate General
for Head of Organization and Management Division
NIP 060040158

No. KEP-205/BC/2003

Attachment (Indonesian)